Supporting Respiratory Health Naturally During the Autumn Season

Shiopei Low, L.Ac • Aug 16, 2022

Seasonal shifts during the year affect our minds and bodies much more than we may realize, especially our respiratory health.

As the later summer season starts to change over into autumn, we anticipate the arrival of hot drinks, apple harvests, pumpkin spice everything, and the splendor of changing leaves. We feel a change in the air, a crispness that tickles our noses and feels sharp in our lungs.

The changeover into the fall season can often feel like a descent. If Spring is the bursting forth of new life, Autumn is the quiet withdrawal of life’s energy. These shifts during the year affect our minds and bodies much more than we may realize, especially our respiratory health.

The season of autumn is the time to take particular care. As the weather turns colder and our sun exposure lessens, cold and flu season begins. The mention of “cold and flu season” may make give us a certain level of anxiety given the past two years, however there are a variety of things you can do now to safeguard and protect your immunity.

1.    Wear a Scarf

Grandma was right. Wearing a scarf protects your neck, head, and your upper back against the wind and the cold so your body doesn’t have to devote precious resources trying to keep these vulnerable areas warm.

2.    Eat and Drink Warm Foods

As the weather turns chillier, it’s important to support our natural digestive processes with warming foods like soups, stews, and hot teas. Avoid iced drinks or cool and cold foods such as salads, as your digestive system needs to use extra energy in order to internally warm and metabolize these foods.

3.    Get Rest

Ironically, the time that nature is slowing down is the time that things often speed up for us – kids go back to school, fall sports start up, and we are mentally preparing for the holiday season in just a few short months. Make sure to take some time to slow down and get clean rest.

4.    Gather up the Sunshine!

With sunlight dwindling, it’s important to get as much sun on our skin and faces as we mindfully can to promote vitamin D production, which is an essential building block of healthy immune function. Sunrise and sunset are optimal times to soak up some sunlight while avoiding harmful levels of UV rays. Plus, going outside for a few minutes each morning and evening can benefit your mental health. 

5.    Cultivate a Happy Gut

Our respiratory health is directly tied to our gut health. Regular bowel movements ensure that toxins are not building up in our system that could impact your respiratory health. Make sure to eat a healthful diet that promotes regular elimination. Whole foods, nutritious soups and stews, fruits, and healthy proteins are an essential part of having good gut health.

6.    Choose Herbs that Support Lung Health

Peppermint, rosemary, yarrow, cinnamon, ginger, and astragulus are all respiratory-supporting herbs. Many tea blends contain these and other herbs that can help in the prevention of illness.

7.    Process Your Emotions and Let Go

Our strong emotions can become stuck in the tissues of our bodies if we do not process them. The season of autumn shares a resonance with the emotion of grief, which is all about the process of letting go. Find supportive ways to feel any strong emotions that may be lingering underneath the surface, or reflect on what things in your life you can let go of to make way for better opportunities.

8.    Get Regular Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture treatment ensures that your immune system is functioning at its optimal levels, and can help safeguard against illnesses during the fall season. It can also help you process any unconscious emotions that you may be holding in your body so that you can experience life more fully. Contact a local acupuncturist today to discuss the best treatment plan for you.

Shiopei Low, L.Ac is Clinic Director at Patapsco Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, located in Sykesville, specializing in chronic pain conditions such as neuropathy, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and autoimmune.

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